Monke's back!

The AI and the aiming is improved as well as the flag.

Now i have improved the AI of the other monkey, so that he now will follow you wherever you go, if everywhere is on the ground that is. I am still trying to fix an issue with the AI that makes him stop completely when you get off the nav mesh that he himself is standing on, for example: if you jump on to the roof of the house, the AI monke will freeze in place where ever he is and play the latest animation.

I have also fixed the aiming with the AK-47, as I thought it was bad. Now, instead of aiming to the side of the monkey, you actually have the camera move above the head of the monkey, which means that you will shoot at where the camera is aiming.

I also made the flag wave again, as I accedentally removed the motion of the flag before.

Next I will make a little pause menu to actually be able to exit the game and then I will start working on an enemy (human) AI, and making the fellow monkey hostile towards him

Best regards,


Files 63 MB
Mar 07, 2023

Get Monke

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